
The link to each of the publications below is in the name of the publishing organisation. Please let us know if you find a broken link and we will be happy to fix it and make sure you can access all of our publications. Thank you!


Cover of Cairde Evaluation Report

Pathways to Well-being: Empowering Migrant and Refugee Women’s Mental Health and Integration. Cairde, November 2024.

Criminal Detention in the EU: Conditions and Monitoring, Update of FRA’s Criminal Detention Database. EU Fundamental Rights Agency, September 2024. Ireland report

FRA Report poltical participation of people with disabilities
Political participation of people with disabilities – new developments (Ireland country report)

EU Fundamental Rights Agency, May 2024.

Ireland report

From Every Nation? A Handbook for a congregation’s journey from welcome to belonging

(co-authored with Revd. Karen Campbell) Irish Council of Churches, April 2024.

Pathways to Wellbeing: Empowering Migrant Women’s Mental Health

Cairde, March 2024.

Addressing Racism in Policing (Ireland country report).

European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights, March 2024. 

Open Up: addressing the barriers facing Black and Black-Irish artists’ access to funding and opportunities.

The Arts Council, Dublin, February 2024.


Racial Discrimination in Europe: ENAR Shadow Report 2016-2021.

European Network Against Racism (ENAR), Brussels, 2023.

The Russian aggression against Ukraine – Displaced children finding protection in the EU (Ireland country report), EU Fundamental Rights Agency, Vienna, 2023.

Protecting civil society – Update 2023 (Ireland country report), EU Fundamental Rights Agency, Vienna, 2023.

EU FRA Fundamental Rights Report 2023 (Ireland country report), EU Fundamental Rights Agency, Vienna, 2023.

Anti-Muslim Hatred Database Update (Ireland country report), EU Fundamental Rights Agency, Vienna, 2023.

Equality Data and Arts Council Awards 2022, The Arts Council, Dublin, 2023.

UNCRPD Consultation Report

Disabled Persons Organisation (DPO) Coalition, Dublin, May 2023.

Reports of racism in Ireland 2022: Data from

INAR, March 2023.


Inequalities Experienced by Black, Asian, Minority Ethnic and Traveller people residing in Belfast.

Belfast City Council, Belfast Health and Social Care Trust, and Public Health NI, with ACSONI and POLCA, December 2022. Summary online (Printed copies of summary in English, Arabic, Chinese, Polish, Romanian and Somali available from

EU FRA Fundamental Rights Report 2022, EU Fundamental Rights Agency, Vienna, 2022 (Contributing author)

Know Your Rights: A guide for international protection applicants.

Irish Council of Civil Liberties and Irish Refugee Council, Dublin, November 2022. [English, French and Arabic versions available]

Deaf Education Policy Paper

Irish Deaf Society, Dublin, September 2022.

IOM Voices of Syrians report front cover
Voices of Syrians: Hearing from Resettled Refugees in Ireland

Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth / IOM Ireland, August 2022. [English] [Arabic]

Reports of racism in Ireland 2021: Data from

INAR, March 2022.


Race Equality in the Higher Education Sector

Higher Education Authority of Ireland, Dublin, November 2021.

Guide for Practitioners on the Home Office Indicators of Integration Framework 2019.

IOM UK, London, 2021.

‘Policing Black Lives in Ireland’

Sociological Observer Issue 2: Black Lives Matter. Sociological Association of Ireland, March 2021.  

Black Lives Matter? Attitudes to minorities and migrants in Northern Ireland, ARK Research Update 136, Jan 2021. 


ENAR Algorithmic Bias report
Artificial intelligence in HR: how to address racial biases and algorithmic discrimination in HR? 

ENAR, Brussels, Dec 2020.

‘Immigration and Citizenship’, Routledge Handbook of Irish Studies, 2020

Attitudes to migrant workers in Northern Ireland: an improving landscape? ARK Research Update 131, April 2020


Immigrants as Outsiders in the Two IrelandsManchester University Press, 2019. 

Indicators of Integration framework

Indicators of Integration framework 2019 third edition.

Co-authored with Carolyne Ndofor-Tah, Home Office Migration and Border Analysis Unit, Alison Strang, Queen Margaret University Edinburgh, Jenny Phillimore, University of Birmingham, Linda Morrice, University of Sussex, Patrick Wood, Home Office Migration and Border Analysis Unit and Jon Simmons. UK Home Office, 2019.