We recently completed research commissioned by the EU Fundamental Rights Agency to explore existing national structures and mechanisms in Ireland and their interactions between EU Member States (and in FRA observer countries), with a focus on their levels of cooperation.
It is important to identify a network of actors at national and sub-national levels for the protection of fundamental rights in the EU, so that FRANET and its partners can identify promising regional and local practices for transnational learning.
This research (which took place between February and April 2024), aimed at:
- providing an overall mapping of national structures and mechanisms protecting and promoting fundamental rights, including those that were established or designated directly or indirectly by EU law or policies,
- identifying the respective roles and responsibilities of these national structures and mechanisms, including oversight, judicial functions (including providing remedy), collecting data on human rights violations, and promoting fundamental rights in various policy fields (including a focus on especially EU law relevant activities and functions),
- providing an overview of the interaction amongst the different national structures and mechanisms and how they relate to the EU layer of governance. In this context also horizontal (not sector-specific), strategic fundamental rights strategies and action plans will be of relevance. Also the interaction with the European (EU and CoE) and international (UN) layer of governance should be covered.
- identifying promising practices of cooperation and coordination between national structures and mechanisms for the purpose of transnational learning (these promising practices may also derive from the subnational level).