Project updates

On this page, we provide more detail about our previous projects for participants and other interested people. It is important to us that you have the best information possible on the completion and publication of our research.

We commit to supporting our clients to publish the research, disseminate it to key audiences and advise on next steps in order that the maximum impact of the research is reached. We commit to provide information to participants and the public about the progress of research, its publication and impact as far as possible.

There can be long delays between research completion and publication due to funding availability, editing processes, further research and consultation on recommendations, or lengthy approval processes in some larger organisations. We are very grateful to research participants and clients for helping us to improve our communications around publication and impact, and we continue to develop this area of our work.

The list below does not include any projects which were desktop-only, or which related to an organisation’s internal evaluation or strategic planning activities (i.e. no interviews, focus groups or surveys with the public). If you have questions about these, please email us so we can connect you with the relevant person in the organisation concerned.

Updates at 26 April 2024

FRA Rights of Disabled People and protection from abuse in residential settings: The fieldwork for this project is ongoing and is expected to be complete in June 2024. A short report will be submitted to FRA, who will develop an EU-wide report thereafter.

Policing of People of African Descent and Brazilians in Ireland (PABI) for the Policing Authority: The fieldwork for this report is now complete. A report will be submitted to the Policing Authority in April 2024. Dissemination of the report is expected in Autumn 2024.

University of Galway: We completed focus groups and advised on the design of the staff and student survey in early 2023. The University has used the evidence from the focus groups and survey to develop a new 120-point Race Equality Action Plan, launched in November 2023. View the plan and further updates by the University of Galway at

Arts funding in Ireland: exploring factors affecting grant awards to Black and Black-Irish artists, for the Arts Council of Ireland: The report was completed in August 2023 and was reviewed internally to confirm next steps in terms of its impact on policy and practice, in line with the EDI Implementation Plan in place. The Arts Council published our report with a launch event to discuss our recommendations in April 2024. An action plan will be developed by the Arts Council in response.

Equal Access Project for the Free Legal Advice Centres (FLAC) and Irish Network Against Racism (INAR): The fieldwork for this project was completed in late 2022. Due to illness and research team changes, the finalisation of the report was significantly delayed. We apologise sincerely for the inconvenience and frustration this may have caused to participants and stakeholders. A report was submitted in August 2023 to FLAC which requires some further work before publication. The report is currently being finalised by FLAC with the Advisory Committee for the project. Further updates on the report launch will be provided here when available.

Higher Education Authority: The HEA published our analysis of their Race Equality Survey in 2021, which received more than 2000 responses from staff in universities across Ireland. In 2022, the HEA consulted on and published a new Race Equality Implementation Plan for the Higher Education Sector. The HEA held its first Race Equality Conference in Galway in March 2023. A set of Anti-Racism Principles was launched and has been signed by 16 institutions to date. The Action Plan also requires all institutions to develop and publish their own Race Equality Plans by Q4 2024. We have been providing training on developing race equality plans to a wide range of universities in 2022 and 2023. Further updates by the HEA at

Inequalities experienced by Black, Asian, Minority Ethnic and Traveller People in Belfast, for Belfast City Council, Belfast Health and Social Care Trust and the Public Health Agency Northern Ireland: The report was published by Belfast City Council in December 2022 with a public launch at City Hall including stakeholders from across the participant communities and with key policymakers. The Council is now developing its Race Equality Action Plan in response to the research, and we are pleased to have been contracted to support this process, beginning March 2024.

Voices of Syrians in Ireland for the International Organisation for Migration (IOM) in Ireland: The report was completed in November 2022 and proceeded for review and translation thereafter by IOM. The report was published by the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth in August 2023.

Church of Ireland: The Archbishop of Armagh commissioned a survey of Church members in 2021 and we worked with a working group of ethnic minority clergy and lay members to develop and analyse the survey. The headline findings of our research were shared by the Primate at the General Synod in May 2022.

If you have questions about research we have undertaken, please get in touch at or by using the contact form below. Thank you.