This new research project explores inequalities experienced by minority ethnic and migrant residents in their lives in Belfast.
There are known challenges for both ethnic minority and migrant individuals in getting jobs, suitable housing, healthcare, and education, taking part in leisure, community and political life, and having equal access to justice/safety. We want to find out more about those challenges, and how different groups are affected by each of these.
Based on the research, we will make recommendations on policies in the areas of health, education, employment and civic and political participation.
Our research team includes: Dr Lucy Michael, Daniel Reynolds, Dr Marta Kempny, Nattassa Latcham, Eva Logan, Ezzaldin Thabet, Csilla Borbley, Marty Pilkiewicz, Salwa Alshirabi, Goitom Zewde, Maria Teglas, Denis Long
Our interviewers all live in the Belfast area and are familiar to ethnic minority and migrant communities in the city. They are supported by a research training programme and mentoring by experienced researchers. They will each contribute to the writing of the report.
The research is being conducted on behalf of Belfast City Council, the Belfast Health and Social Care Trust and the Public Health Agency.