INAR launch their newest report (by Lucy Michael) today with analysis of 700 reports of racist incidents submitted in 2020 to iReport.ie . The iReport.ie racist incident recording system has been designed to allow comparison with international patterns and to facilitate understandings of racism which are particular to the Irish context.
Based on the data collected through iReport.ie INAR regularly produces Reports of Racism in Ireland. We have been conducting similar analysis for these reports since 2013. Questions are designed to capture a large amount of detail about racist incidents, including information about where, when and how the incident occurred as well as details about victim(s) and perpetrator(s). The system also captures information about why the incident has been perceived as racist, its impact on the victim and/or witnesses, and the interplay with age, gender, sexuality and disability.
See the 2020 report and more reports at https://inar.ie/ireport-reports-of-racism-in-ireland/
The 2020 Data headlines:
- More people reported racism in Ireland to http://iReport.ie in the last year than ever before.
- People reported the same high rate of racist assaults in 2020 as in the previous year, despite the lockdown.
- 11% of all incidents resulted in physical injuries. Ten people were hospitalised urgently. Twenty-one people suffered head or facial injuries.
- Psychological impacts and social isolation resulting from racist abuse and violence have more than doubled.
- People have been forced to leave jobs and move homes because of racist violence against them.
- Reports of criminal offences, hate speech and graffiti increased last year.
- Reports of illegal discrimination and racial profiling by Gardai were also up.
- And there has been a significant increase in hate speech by extremist groups.